Thinking of attending CSSHE’s virtual conference this year? We’re proud to share new conference presentation, networking, and delivery formats to support your conference experience this year. Learn the lingo to read the Conference Program and schedule your #CSSHE2021:

Delivery Formats
Live: Just like it sounds! A live-streamed session. Interact with presenters in real time.
Simu-Live: “Simulated Live” sessions include a pre-recorded webinar and live Q&A with the presenter(s).
On-Demand: These sessions are pre-recorded and available to watch at any time.

Presentation Formats
Panel: A collection of three or four paper presentations organized around a connected theme. Panels are usually 75 minutes long and include time for Q&A, discussion, and feedback.
Roundtable: Roundtables offer an interactive space to exchange and share ideas and are typically used to discuss work in progress or topical issues. Roundtables last for 75 minutes in which up to four presenters discuss the selected issue and engage the audience in conversation.
Workshop: Workshops provide an opportunity for attendees to engage with and learn through training or professional development on a topic relevant to higher education.
Poster: A visual summary of a current or completed research/policy/practice project. Posters
will be exhibited electronically in a designated area of the CSSHE conference portal and will be
available to view throughout the conference.
Ignite: Five minute pre-recorded talks intended to stimulate the sharing of new and
exciting ideas about higher education in a short time period.
Storytelling: A deep dive into higher education topics or issues in a narrative format.
Ask Me Anything: Listen to experts answer questions about specific higher education topics.

Networking Formats
Networking Conversations: Highly participatory sessions organized around particular topics in higher education.
Hallway Moments: Casual networking during the transition time between sessions. Pop into the virtual hallway to connect with colleagues, meet the poster presenters, or share a virtual coffee.
Virtual Lounge: Open all day during the conference, the virtual lounge is another informal space to meet up with colleagues.

Thanks to Conference Organizers Emma Sabzalieva, Leping Mou, and the rest of the Conference Planning Committee for implementing these new formats for our virtual conference. Looking forward to seeing all attendees at #CSSHE2021! Registration is now open. Connect with us on Twitter @csshescees #csshe2021.

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