
CSSHE Annual Conference 2025 Call for Proposal | Appel de propositions pour la Conférence annuelle du SCÉES 2025

The Call for Proposal submissions for the CSSHE Annual Conference 2025 is now open. We are excited that this year’s conference will be at George Brown College in Toronto, ON on the Waterfront and St. James campuses. Please see the document below or follow this link to find our Call for Proposals.

CSSHE 2025 Call for Proposals – EN

We have made some changes to this year’s proposal submission process, so please read the Call for Proposals carefully for details. In particular, we are using a new platform, Fourwaves Abstract Management Portal, for submissions, reviews, and program scheduling.The submission portal is open until 23:59 EST on December 15, 2024. This year we have provided an extra two weeks longer than previous years and will not be accepting late submissions. Please feel free to share this Call widely with your colleagues and communities in higher education and related fields.

We are also recruiting more volunteer members for the conference committee. If interested, please email Committee volunteers play an integral role in supporting the planning of the conference, particularly in assisting with the review process, selecting and coordinating keynote speakers and presenters, and organizing networking sessions. We seek to recruit participants from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations to create a supportive network in planning for this year’s conference.

Please direct all questions or requests for more details to

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at George Brown next May!

Erin Anderson & Kathleen Matheos

CSSHE 2025 Conference Co-Chairs


Les soumissions d’appel de propositions pour la Conférence annuelle de la SCÉES 2025 sont maintenant ouvertes. Nous sommes ravis que la conférence de cette année se tienne à George Brown College à Toronto. Veuillez consulter le document ci-dessous ou suivre ce lien pour trouver notre appel de propositions.

CSSHE-SCEES 2025 Appel de Propositions – FR

Nous avons apporté quelques changements au processus de soumission des propositions de cette année, veuillez donc lire attentivement l’appel à propositions pour plus de détails. En particulier, nous utilisons une nouvelle plateforme, Fourwaves Abstract Management Portal, pour les soumissions, les révisions et la programmation du programme. Le portail de soumission est ouvert jusqu’à 23:59 heure de l’ést le 15 décembre 2024. Cette année, nous avons prévu deux semaines supplémentaires par rapport aux années précédentes et nous n’accepterons pas les soumissions tardives. N’hésitez pas à diffuser largement cet appel auprès de vos collègues et de vos communautés dans l’enseignement supérieur et les domaines connexes.

Nous recrutons également plus de membres du comité de conférence. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Les bénévoles du Comité jouent un rôle essentiel dans la planification de la conférence, en particulier dans le cadre du processus d’examen, la sélection et la coordination des conférencières et des conférenciers et l’organisation de séances de réseautage. Nous cherchons à recruter des participantes de divers milieux et lieux géographiques afin de créer un réseau de soutien pour la planification de la conférence de cette année.

Veuillez adresser toutes questions ou demandes de renseignements à

Merci, nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer à George Brown en mai prochain!

Erin Anderson et Kathleen Matheos

SCÉES 2025 Coprésidentes de la conférence

NEWS: Announcement concerning the CJHE | Annonce concernant la RCES

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education is delighted to announce that Dr. Michelle McGinn, Brock University, has been appointed as the Interim Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Higher Education (CJHE) and Sharon Hu, British Columbia, has been appointed as the Managing Editor.

Michelle McGinn Michelle K. McGinn is Acting Vice-President, Research and Professor of Education at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. She holds a PhD in Curriculum Theory and Implementation from Simon Fraser University and a certificate in Research Administration from Mohawk College. Her primary interests include research collaboration, researcher development, scholarly writing, mentorship, and ethics in academic practice for graduate students and established scholars. She is a co-investigator on the “Academic Researchers in Challenging Times” project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to explore the careers, practices, and identities of social science scholars and research administrators (see She is a long-time member of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, including a past term on the Board of Directors (2017–2019).


Sharon Hu Sharon Hu has managed various Canadian journals since 2009. Her role is to ensure a smooth process for the review, layout, and dissemination of the articles. Outside of her work with the CJHE, Sharon is an experienced instructional designer specializing in using media and interactive activities to create impactful online learning experiences.

Le conseil d’administration de la Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur a le vif plaisir d’annoncer que Michelle McGinn, Ph. D., de l’Université Brock, a été nommée rédactrice en chef intérimaire de la Revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur (RCES) et que Sharon Hu, de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique, a été nommée gestionnaire de la revue.

Michelle McGinn Michelle K. McGinn est vice-présidente intérimaire à la recherche et professeur de pédagogie à l’Université Brock, à St. Catharines, en Ontario. Elle est titulaire d’un doctorat en théorie et mise en œuvre du curriculum, qu’elle a obtenu à l’Université Simon Fraser, et d’un certificat en administration de la recherche du Collège Mohawk. Ses principaux champs d’intérêt comprennent la recherche collaborative, le perfectionnement des chercheurs et chercheuses, la rédaction scientifique, le mentorat et l’éthique dans les pratiques universitaires pour la communauté étudiante aux cycles supérieurs et les chercheuses et chercheurs établis. Elle est cochercheuse dans le cadre d’un projet financé par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines; intitulé Academic Researchers in Challenging Times, il explore les carrières, les pratiques et les identités des chercheurs et chercheuses dans le domaine des sciences humaines ainsi que des administrateurs et administratrices de recherche (voir Membre de longue date de la Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur, elle a fait partie de son conseil d’administration de 2017 à 2019.


Sharon Hu Sharon Hu gère diverses revues canadiennes depuis 2009. Elle se voit maintenant confier le rôle d’assurer une transition en douceur pour ce qui est de l’évaluation, de la mise en page et de la distribution des articles. Outre son travail pour la RCES, Sharon est une conceptrice pédagogique chevronnée, spécialisée dans l’utilisation des médias et d’activités interactives pour créer des expériences d’apprentissage en ligne percutantes.

2022 CSSHE Research and Scholarship Award

Congratulations to Roopa Desai Trilokekar of York University, this year’s winner of the Research and Scholarship Award!

This award recognizes research and scholarship on higher education and/or topics directly relevant to Canadian higher education which can include the socio-political context, access, governance, teaching and learning, institutional studies, or education and employment.

This award is conferred on a mid-career professional who is nominated by their colleagues, and focuses on their most recent 5 years of publications. Click here to read more about the award.

You can read more about Dr Trilokekar on the YorkU website, and find her publications here.

2022 Award for Master’s Thesis or Project

Congratulations to Christina Arayata, the winner of the 2022 Award for her outstanding Master’s Thesis: Identity navigation and understanding in demographic surveys!

CSSHE sponsors an annual award for the outstanding Master’s thesis or project in Canadian universities in the area of higher education. Recipeints’ work focuses on topics in higher education relevant to Canada, including the societal context, access, organization and governance, teaching and learning, institutional studies, or education and employment. Read more about the award here.

2022 George L. Geis Dissertation Award

Congratulations to Candace Brunette-Debassige of Western University, the 2022 winner of the George L. Geis Dissertation Award for her thesis The Trickiness of Settler Colonialism: Indigenous Women Administrators’ Experiences of Policy in Canadian Universities.

This is an award for an outstanding dissertation or thesis in Canadian universities that examines higher education topics. Dissertations and theses should focus on topics in higher education, including the sociopolitical context, access, governance, teaching and learning, institutional studies, and education and employment.


2022 Edward F. Sheffield Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2022 CJHE Sheffield Award Winners: Victoria Ford, Alyssa Wooster, and Mary Bartram for their article Work Hard, Party Hard: Harm Reduction in a Postsecondary Setting.

The Edward F. Sheffield Award was named in honour of Ted Sheffield, the first Professor of Higher Education in Canada (University of Toronto), and founding President of CSSHE. The award recognizes the best research article published in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education each year.

The editorial team selects the winner using the following criteria: centrality and relevance of the issue addressed to CJHE mission; originality and creativity in the use of theory and application of theory; appropriateness of the research methodology; clarity of the argument; effectiveness of the presentation, organization, and style; strength of conclusions; and relevance and significance to Canadian higher education.

Read more about the award here.

2022 Canadian Foundation for Innovation panel at Congress | Panel de la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation au Congrès 2022

The Canada Foundation for Innovation(CFI) is hosting a panel at the 2022 Congress of the Federation for Humanities and Social Sciences on May 16, 2022, from 3-4:30 (EDT) entitled, Demanding social justice for a more empathetic world. The panel, geared for young adults, will aim to answer the question: “What does social justice mean for you today, and how can research help advance it to forge the future you want?”

Four Canadian experts will address this question by sharing their research in fields ranging from climate activism, social justice learning, queer and gender difference, and health and well-being.

For more information, click here.

La Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation (FCI) organise un panel dans le cadre du Congrès 2022 de la Fédération des sciences humaines, le 16 mai 2022, de 15 h à 16 h 30 (HAE), intitulé Â« Justice sociale : une revendication pour un monde plus empathique ».

Ce panel, destiné aux jeunes adultes, aura pour objectif de répondre à la question suivante : Que signifie la justice sociale pour vous aujourd’hui? Il s’agira également de déceler comment la recherche pourrait nous aider à progresser vers davantage de justice sociale pour forger l’avenir auquel nos jeunes contemporains aspirent.

Une animatrice et trois panélistes aborderont cette question en partageant le fruit de leurs travaux de recherche dans des domaines allant de l’activisme climatique à l’apprentissage de la justice sociale, en passant par la différence entre les genres, la santé et le bien-être.

Veuillez trouver tous les détails ici.

2022 Annual Conference Keynote: Confronting Privilege and Bridging the Gap: From Rhetoric and Mission Statements to Transformative Change and Social Justice in Higher Education

Monday, May 16, 12:45-2:00pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time

With support from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences International Keynote Speaker Support Fund

Speaker: Dr. D-L Stewart, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver

A leading researcher, practitioner, and activist-scholar dedicated to championing social justice and transforming the culture and climate of campuses and institutions of higher education, D-L Stewart has been an influential voice shaping the terms of debate throughout North America, including the Federation’s own Igniting Change report, which was so widely adopted last year as a call-to-action. Dr. Stewart’s keynote address will build on the sustained EDID conversations of both the Federation and the CSSHE and be of interest to those throughout the HSS and education communities. Drawing on Dr. Stewart’s established and ranging expertise, this presentation will critically examine institutional norms, and focus on moving beyond what ze refers to as “the language of appeasement” and rhetorical “Kool Aid” approaches to diversity and inclusion. The emphasis will instead be placed on disrupting the status quo and highlighting conscious pathways that lead to transformative action, equity and justice on our campuses.