2025 Webinar Series
Reframing Togetherness
We invite you to the 2025 Webinar Series scheduled throughout the year. Building on the Congress 2025 theme of ‘Reframing togetherness’, we will bring scholars, students, policymakers, and professionals together through the four sessions to rethink and reimagine critical issues affecting Canadian higher education.

2024 Webinar Series
Theory and Practice: A Month of Collaborative Learning
In 2022, CSSHE and the Canadian Association of Colleges and University Student Services (CACUSS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. We are looking to continue initial conversations and will convene students, faculty members, researchers, and student affairs and services practitioners in collaborative discussions and deliberations on the following topics with featured speakers:
Friday, 3 May 2024 – 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Eastern Student Retention and Success Watch the recording |

Clayton Smith is a Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor. He received an Ed.D. in higher education from Florida State University. He has engaged in higher education administration and teaching at four post-secondary education institutions in Canada and the United States. and completed two terms as vice-provost at the University of Windsor where he oversaw a far-reaching portfolio that included academic governance, campus internationalization, enrolment management, and student affairs. His research areas include international student success, promising practices for teaching international students, student mentoring, and SEM.

Brad Clarke is the Associate Vice-President, Students at Brock University. As a student affairs and services educator with over twenty years’ experience. Brad has dedicated his career to building community, engagement, and improving the campus experience for all students; understanding that this is only possible with a corresponding commitment to issues of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. Brad holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree from Brock University with a focus on administration and leadership in education. His academic interests are centered on exploring students’ co-curricular learning experiences; and on the potential for assessment activities to be a catalyst for transformative change in student affairs and services.
Friday, 10 May 2024 – 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Eastern International Education Watch the recording |

Dr. Leila Angod is an Assistant Professor at Carleton University’s Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Childhood and Youth Studies program. Her current book project mobilizes archival and ethnographic data on voluntourism, international student recruitment, and co-education to illustrate the structural whiteness of internationalization and diversity initiatives in education. Dr. Angod’s research also uncovers the methodological, political, and ethical possibilities and constraints of using youth participatory action research (yPAR) to create decolonial, critical race feminist communities for students of colour. Her current research explores how yPAR with Black, Indigenous, and racialized students can transform education policies, programs, and the cultures of teaching and learning.

As Director of the Internationalization Office, Dr. Sonja Knutson leads a team that guides Memorial University’s internationalization efforts, with direct experience in managing all aspects of the student life cycle. She is an active researcher, writer and presenter in the IHE field, with an extensive understanding of the post-secondary environment locally and globally on current issues, e.g. Indigenization, internationalization, entrepreneurship, healthy campus, and post-graduate career outcomes. She has held progressively senior appointments in institution-wide administrative roles at Memorial, with significant experience in higher education leadership, strategic planning, higher education policy and procedures, board governance, risk and change management.
Friday, 24 May 2024 – 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Eastern Mental Health and Well-Being Watch the recording |

Dr. Vicki Squires serves as the Associate Dean, Research, Graduate Support and International Initiatives and is a Professor in the Department of Educational Administration in the College of Education. Her areas of research are post-secondary education and student well-being; supporting mental health and wellbeing requires collaboration among units and a systems approach. This holistic approach is needed because of the many facets that contribute to and impact wellbeing and mental health. She has published and presented on the work of health promoting universities and the Okanagan Charter, a framework to support these efforts on campuses.

Dr. Sterling Crowe, Ed.D. (he/they), an educator and administrator with over 13 years in post-secondary education, currently serves as the Associate Dean of Student Wellness and Equitable Learning at Humber College. Sterling, who earned a Doctorate in Higher Education Administration from Western University, focuses on socially just leadership, spearheading numerous initiatives for enhancing student services, crisis management, and fostering inclusive environments. A PROSCI Change Practitioner, they are recognized for their commitment to student success through evidence-informed programs and collaborations aimed at boosting student well-being and holistic development.
Friday, 31 May 2024 – 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Eastern Student Recruitment and Mobility Watch the recording |

Roger Pizarro Milian specializes in social stratification and organizational behavior in higher education. He has published over three dozen peer-reviewed articles on these topics, along with policy reports commissioned by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) and the Ontario Ministry of Colleges & Universities (MCU). Roger has held senior roles across multiple sectors, including at Academica Group, Statistics Canada, and the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT). He is currently the inaugural Manager, Student Data + Analytics in the Offices of the Vice-Provosts, Students and Strategic Enrolment Management at the University of Toronto.

Charmaine Hack, B.A., M.Ed., is a senior executive with 30 years of experience in education, focusing on learner success and empowerment. She has held leadership roles in OURA and the Ontario Universities Council on Admissions and served on Toronto Metropolitan University’s Board of Governors. When President of ARUCC, she led the development and launch of the ground-breaking MyCredsTM | MesCertifMC National Network. She is the recipient of the President’s Blue and Gold Awards (TMU), an OURA Lifetime Achievement Award, and a PESC Distinguished Service Award. As Vice President at Centennial College, she oversees global and domestic strategy, transnational education, marketing, and SEM.