Welcome to #CSSHE2021! Here’s a breakdown of Sunday May 30 at the conference:
8:30-16:00 – Greeting Table open
The greeting table will be hosted by a staff or volunteer from Congress and will be your go-to for questions and support navigating the online platform.
8:30-16:00 – CSSHE Lounge open
Network with colleagues and have those ‘hallway moments’! CSSHE leaders will facilitate networking and community building sessions throughout the day in the Lounge, so return here throughout the day to see who you can connect with!
Meet-up & Greeting – 10:15-10:45
Topic based networking and community building – 12:00-12:30 – Theories & Methods in Understanding Higher Education; Uncertainties, Challenges, and Visions for the Future; Community Engagement and Partnership; Facilitated by Rhonda Friesen, Booth University College & Vicki Squires, University of Saskatchewan
First time at CSSHE? – 15:30-16:00 – Facilitated by Jacqueline Beaulieu, University of Toronto & Kathleen Matheos, University of Manitoba
Paper Sessions
09.00-10.15 // A1: Global Perspectives on International Students (Live)
09.00-10.15 // A2: Community Engagement and Partnerships (Live)
09.00-10.15 // A3: Bridging Divides in Higher Education through Visual Research Methods (Simulive)
09.00-10.15 // A4: From Study to Industry: Partnerships, Politics, and Perspectives (Live)
09.00-10.15 // A5: Organizational Change, Restructuring, and Mission Shift (Live)
Flagship 1
10.45-12.00 // Flagship 1: Confronting Privilege in Internationalization of Higher Education during
COVID-19: What have we learned?
Fully open access. CSSHE/Congress delegates: Join from within Virtual Event Place. All others: Join at
https://zoom.us/j/95609700387?pwd=OFIwcVB4cUNPOUFKWGtvUGVCUnNCZz09 (Passcode: 173756)
Co-hosted by CSSHE & CIESC/SCECI. Supported by the Federation Interdisciplinary Fund. Session will be recorded and made available on the CSSHE website after the conference.
Discussant: Roopa Desai Trilokekar, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, York University.
Crain Soudier, Chief Executive Officer, Human Sciences Research Council (South Africa)
Christina W. Yao, Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Department of
Educational Leadership and Policies, University of South Carolina (USA)
Thashika Pillay, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University (Canada)
Paper Sessions
12.30-13.45 // B1: Advising and Administration as Process and Career (Live)
12.30-13.45 // B2: Pathways and Experiences of International Students (Live)
12.30-13.45 // B3: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on Higher Education (Live)
12.30-13.45 // B4: Rech. francophone canadienne (1ère partie): Stratégies et Planification dans
les Institutions et les Systèmes (Live)
12.30-13.45 // B5: Navigating Leadership in Higher Education (Live)
14.15-15.30 // C1: Perspectives of Traditionally Underrepresented Students, Part 1: Inclusion and
Identity (Live)
14.15-15.30 // C2: Decision Making and Negotiation in Higher Education Politics and Policy (Live)
14.15-15.30 // C3: What’s Working? Evaluating Teaching, Learning, and Campus Services (Live)
14.15-15.30 // C4: Rech. francophone canadienne (2e partie) : Etudiant(e)s et Pedagogie:
Approches, Adaptation, et Satisfaction
14.15-15.30 // C5: Story-telling: Stories about Support, Care, and Community Building (Live)
Access all sessions directly through the online platform by clicking Programme/Auditorium in the CSSHE menu (Found under Association Hall A). Contact Congress using the live support function or email info.congress21@gmail.com with any technical challenges!