Welcome to #CSSHE2021! Here’s a breakdown of Tuesday June 1at the conference:


8:30-16:00 – Greeting Table open
The greeting table will be hosted by a staff or volunteer from Congress and will be your go-to for questions and support navigating the online platform.

8:30-16:00 – CSSHE Lounge open
Network with colleagues and have those ‘hallway moments’! CSSHE leaders will facilitate networking and community building sessions throughout the day in the Lounge, so return here throughout the day to see who you can connect with!

Topic based networking and community building – 10:15-10:45 – Student Development, Experiences and Services; International and Comparative Higher Education; Culture, Civilization, and Communication. Facilitated by Adriana Marroquin, University of Toronto & Vicki Squires, University of Saskatchewan

Addressing current events and systemic racism – 12:00-12:30 – Facilitated by Emma Sabzalieva, UNESCO and York University & Phoebe Kang, University of Toronto

Topic based networking and community building – 15:30-16:00 – Policy, Governance, Funding and Planning; Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning; Administration, Leadership and Institutional Change. Facilitated by Phoebe Kang, University of Toronto & Rhonda Friesen, Booth University College.

Paper Sessions

09.00-10.15 // G1: Liberal Arts Education in the 21st Century: Insights and Innovation Across
Continents (Live)
09.00-10.15 // G2: Students’ Identity Formation, Experiences, and Post-Study Choices (Live)
09.00-10.15 // G3: The Growing International Education and Immigration Nexus: Implications for Higher Education (Live)
09.00-10.15 // G4: Connecting Today’s Postsecondary Classroom to the Open Future: Open
Education Resources (OERs) Empower the Teaching of Educational Administration, Policy, and Leadership (Simu-live)
09.00-10.15 // G5: Perspectives of Traditionally Underrepresented Students, Part 3: Programs and Policy (Live)

Annual General Meeting

10.45-12.00 // Flagship 3: CSSHE Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Awards Ceremony

Join CSSHE for the Annual General Meeting and 2021 Awards Ceremony.

CSSHE/Congress delegates: Join from within Virtual Event Place. All other CSSHE members: Join at
https://zoom.us/j/98606618065?pwd=cWxWaGVkc1NFR0VWTkxzNnhZUUo2UT09 (Passcode: 782836)

View AGM Agenda here.

Paper Sessions

12.30-13.45 // H1: Supporting the Campus Experience of Students with Disabilities (Live)
12.30-13.45 // H2: What Does it Take to Become a Successful Academic? Doctoral Formation and the Scholarly Role (Live)
12.30-13.45 // H3: CSSHE 2021 Award Winners – Celebrate and Learn More! (Live) Moderated by Christine Arnold, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Chair of the 2021 Awards Committee.
12.30-13.45 // H4: What’s at Stake for the Post-Pandemic University Classroom? (Live)
12.30-13.45 // H5: Roundtable: Enabling Early Career Researchers’ Pursuit of an Academic Career (Live)

14.15-15.30 // I1: Non-Academic Work, Internationalization, and Job Satisfaction: The
Experiences of Professors in Canada (Live)
14.15-15.30 // I2: CSSHE 2020 Award Winners – Celebrate and Learn More! (Live) Moderated by Michelle Nilson, Simon Fraser University, Chair of the 2020 Awards Committee
14.15-15.30 // I3: Exploring Approaches to Pedagogies (Live)
14.15-15.30 // I4: Story-telling: Stories about Assessment and Impact (Live)
14.15-15.30 // I5: Priorities Paradox: Interrogating Campus, Connecting with Community (Live)



Access all sessions directly through the online platform by clicking Programme/Auditorium in the CSSHE menu (Found under Association Hall A). Contact Congress using the live support function or email info.congress21@gmail.com with any technical challenges!