Prix Sheffield de la RCES
C’est pour rendre hommage à Ted Sheffield, premier professeur en enseignement supérieur au Canada (University of Toronto) et président fondateur de la SCÉES, que le Prix Edward-F.-Sheffield a été créé. Ce prix est décerné au meilleur article de recherche publié dans la Revue canadienne d’enseignement supérieur (RCES).
L’équipe de rédaction choisit le lauréat ou la lauréate en fonction des critères suivants : importance et pertinence de la question traitée par rapport à la mission de la RCES, originalité et créativité quant à l’utilisation de la théorie et à l’application de la théorie, bien-fondé de la méthodologie de recherche, clarté de l’argumentation, efficacité de la présentation, organisation et style, solidité des conclusions ainsi que pertinence et importance en regard de l’enseignement supérieur au Canada.
Année |
Auteur / Autrice |
Titre |
2023 | Lesley Andres | Higher Education and the Marriage Market: Educational Attainment, Educational Homogamy, and Inequality |
2022 | Victoria Ford, Alyssa Wooster, and Mary Bartram | Work Hard, Party Hard: Harm Reduction in a Postsecondary Setting |
2021 | J. Paul Grayson | The Emperor’s New Clothes: Maclean’s, NSSE, and the Inappropriate Ranking of Canadian Universities |
2020 | Bessma Momani, Emma Dreher, et Kira Williams | More Than a Pipeline Problem: Evaluating the Gender Pay Gap in Canadian Academia from 1996 to 2016 |
2019 | Karen Robson, Paul Anisef, Robert S. Brown, et Rhonda George | Underrepresented Students and the Transition to Postsecondary Education: Comparing Two Toronto Cohorts |
2017 | Pierre Gilles Piché et Glen Jones | Institutional Diversity in Ontario’s University Sector: A Policy Debate Analysis |
2016 | Camie Augustus | Knowledge Liaisons: Negotiating Multiple Pedagogies in Global Indigenous Studies Courses |
2015 | Michelle Pidgeon, Jo-ann Archibald, Colleen Hawkey | Relationships matter: Supporting Aboriginal graduate students in British Columbia, Canada |
2014 | Patrick Pelletier | La logique institutionnelle d’appropriation du concept ThinkPad university : le cas des écoles et facultés de gestion québécoises |
2013 | Emery J. Hyslop-Margison Hugh A. Leonard |
Post Neo-Liberalism and the Humanities: What the Repressive State Apparatus Means for Universities |
2012 | Rozzet Jurdi Sam Hage Henry P.H. Chow |
Academic Dishonesty in the Canadian Classroom: Behaviours of a Sample of University Students |
2011 | Michael Skolnik | A Look Back at the Decision on the Transfer Function at the Founding of Ontario’s Colleges of Applied Arts and Technolgy |
2010 | Laura Servage | The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and the Neo-Liberalization of Higher Education: Constructing the Entrepreneurial Learner |
2009 | David Marshall | Differentiation by Degrees: System Design and the Changing Undergraduate Environment in Canada |
2008 | Michael Ornstein Penni Stewart Janice Drakich |
Promotion at Canadian Universities: The Intersection of Gender, Discipline, and Institution |
2007 | Julia Christensen Donald McCabe |
Academic Misconduct within Higher Education in Canada |
2006 | Charles Bélanger Joan Mount Paul Madgett Ivan Filion |
National Innovation and the Role of the College Sector |
2005 | J. Paul Grayson | The relationship between grades and academic program satisfaction over four years of study |
2004 | John Levin | Two British Columbia university colleges and the process of economic globalization |
2003 | Art Budros | Do university presidents make a difference? A strategic leadership theory of university entrenchment |
2002 | Lesley Andres | Transfer from community college to university: Perspectives and experiences of British Columbia students |
2001 | Mathieu Albert | Stratégies d’apatation des organismes subventionnaires en sciences humaines et sociles au Canada et au Québec aux compressions budgétaires gouvernementales |
2000 | L. McAlpine, C. Weston, C. Beauchamp, C. Wiseman, J. Beauchamp |
Monitoring student cues: Tracking student behaviour in order to improve instruction in higher education |
1999 | Derek Hum | Tenure, faculty contracts, and bargaining conflicts |
1998 | Lena McCourtie Peter Miller |
Philosophical literacy: Dialogue on a pedagogical experiment |
1997 | Irene Karpiak | Ghosts in wilderness: Problems and priorities of faculty at mid career and mid-life |
1996 | E. L. Donaldson E. A. Dixon |
Retaining women students in science involves more than course selection |
1995 | James Dean Rodney Clifton |
An evaluation of pay equity reports at five Canadian universities |
1994 | Allen Macdonnell Charles Bowman |
The point of view of the student in attrition research |
1993 | Steve O. Michael E. A. Holdaway Brent McKeown |
Entrepreneurial activities in postsecondary education |