Upcoming/current Conference and AGM
Update – May 29, 2020
Getting ready for the upcoming CSSHE’s Zoom meetings:
As of June 1, everyone needs to update their Zoom to version 5.0. To avoid any delays or technical glitches, please make sure you have downloaded Zoom 5.0 before joining the sessions. As a participant you and your video will be muted. We are using Chat function for questions or comments. Our debates will be recorded and posted to CSSHE’s website as a learning resource.
Please join us for the following:
1) Monday, June 1, 1-2:30pm (EST)
Lunch-hour debate “Who Should Pay for Higher Education? “
Link to recording: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/6relvrwwkuo49j9/CSSHE_2020WhoPay.mp4
This debate addresses the perennial issue of higher education funding in context of factors such as shifting government policy, neoliberalism, internationalization and globalization, regional geographies, the use of parental and student profile and data for assessment and imbalances created by different funding models in light of equity and inclusion imperatives. It is intended to spark a debate on the funding of higher education from the perspectives of different stakeholder groups.
Panel Chair & Moderator: Christine Arnold, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Pier-André Bouchard St-Amant, Professeur, École nationale d’administration publique – ENAP/ Associate Professor, National School of Public Administration, Montreal
Jerome Cranston, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
Diedre A. Desmarais, Area Director of the Access and Aboriginal Focus Programs, University of Manitoba
Catherine Dunne, President of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA)
2) Tuesday, June 2, 12 noon – 1 pm (EST)
CSSHE’s AGM including Presidents’ Report, introducing new Board Members, launching CSSHE’s Strategic Plan, announcing Award Winners etc.
Link to recording: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/zzed2us41v78n3i/zoom_1.mp4
3) Wednesday, June 3, 1-2:30pm (EST)
Lunch-hour discussion “A Call to Action: What Are We Doing to Eliminate Colonialism and Racism in the Academy? A focus on hiring and in-classroom policies and best practices.â€
Link to recording: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/2jm65o70uxr8a1n/CSSHE_2020ColonialismAndRacism.mp4
Universities Canada states “Universities recognize the vital importance of a diversity of identity and thought, with room for a variety of ideas, geographies, cultures and views. While progress has been made over the past few decades, we recognize that there is more we can – and must – do to truly achieve inclusive excellence.†Our colonial history and continuing imperial legacies make the principles and goals of equity, diversity and inclusion a major challenge for our institutions, particularly where it matters most at the heart of our institutions, i.e. in our classrooms. This session will focus on policies and best practices to move forward our commitment to the TRC and principles of indigenous education and EDI, and more broadly to decolonizing the academy.
Panel Chair & Moderator: Michelle Jean-Paul, PhD student at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba.
Ena Dua, Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, York University. Author of the book “Equity Mythâ€.
rosalind hampton, Assistant Professor, Social Justice Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. New Book: Black Racialization and Resistance at an Elite University (2020)
Theresa Rajack-Talley, Vice Provost, Equity & Inclusion & Jasmine Walsh, Assistant Vice President, Human Resources, Dalhousie University
Vijay Ramjattan, Recent PhD Graduate, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. Doctoral Dissertation: Working with an Accent: The Aesthetic Labour of International Teaching Assistants in Ontario Universities
Update – March 20, 2020
In light of the decision by the Federation of the Social Sciences and Humanities not to hold a face-to-face Congress in 2020, the CSSHE Board of Directors has decided to cancel our 2020 conference. This was a difficult decision to make as we had many excellent submissions and looked forward to an exceptional conference this year. In reaching this decision, the Board also surveyed panel chairs for their views. We currently plan to carry forward the panels and papers that were accepted to 2021 and to offer delegates the opportunity to submit new proposals and/or revise existing abstracts.
We will however be going ahead with our AGM online and plan to offer our community a couple of short online events during the conference period. More information will be available very soon and note these online events are not tied to conference registration. This year’s awards will also be going ahead and the winners will be announced soon.
If you are applying for a refund of your Congress/CSSHE registration fees, the Federation has requested that you refrain from sending follow up emails – they are processing the refunds as quickly as possible and you will receive an automatic email once the refund is processed.
As a result of the cancellation of the conference, the CJHE Special Issue that was planned has been postponed to after next year’s conference. In the meantime, we encourage all members to submit their work to CJHE for consideration in a regular issue. Please see http://journals.sfu.ca/cjhe/index.php/cjhe for details.
Finally we encourage you to renew your membership for CSSHE this year. In the absence of conference many of us may overlook renewal. Membership fees (especially this year) are of critical importance to the life of our association. The Board is looking into ways to bring our community together virtually during 2020 given that we cannot meet in-person at the conference.
Thank you to all of you for your commitment to CSSHE. We look forward to seeing you online in our upcoming events and at CSSHE 2021 in Alberta.
À la lumière de la décision de la Fédération des sciences humaines d’annuler le Congrès des sciences humaines en personne de 2020, le conseil d’administration de la SCÉES a décidé d’annuler notre propre congrès. Ce fut une décision difficile à prendre, car nous avons reçu un grand nombre d’excellentes propositions et nous nous attendions à un congrès exceptionnel cette année. Avant de parvenir à cette décision, le conseil d’administration a aussi demandé l’opinion des présidents et présidentes des panels. Nous prévoyons actuellement reporter à 2021 les communications et les panels qui ont été acceptés et offrir aux délégués la possibilité de soumettre de nouvelles propositions et/ou de réviser les résumés existants.
Nous allons toutefois aller de l’avant, en ligne, avec notre AGA et prévoyons offrir à notre communauté quelques courts événements, toujours en ligne, aux dates prévues pour le congrès. De plus amples renseignements seront disponibles très bientôt. À noter : ces événements en ligne ne sont pas liés à une inscription au congrès. Les prix de cette année seront également décernés et les noms des lauréats et lauréates seront annoncés bientôt.
Si vous demandez le remboursement de vos frais d’inscription au Congrès des sciences humaines et au congrès de la SCÉES, la Fédération a demandé que vous vous absteniez d’envoyer des courriels de suivi – les remboursements sont en train d’être traités le plus rapidement possible et vous recevrez automatiquement un courriel une fois effectué le traitement de votre remboursement.
En raison de l’annulation de notre congrès, le numéro spécial de la RCES qui avait été prévu a été reporté après le congrès de l’an prochain. Dans l’intervalle, nous encourageons tous les membres à soumettre leurs manuscrits à la RCES en vue d’une possible publication dans un numéro courant. Vous trouverez de plus amples détails au http://journals.sfu.ca/cjhe/index.php/cjhe.
Avant de terminer, nous vous encourageons à renouveler votre adhésion à la SCÉES cette année. En l’absence de notre congrès, un grand nombre d’entre nous risquent de négliger de le faire. Les cotisations des membres (surtout cette année) sont d’une importance capitale pour la vie de notre association. Le conseil d’administration étudie les moyens de rassembler virtuellement notre communauté au cours de l’année 2020, étant donné que nous ne pourrons pas nous réunir en personne dans le cadre de notre congrès habituel.
Merci à tous et toutes pour votre engagement envers notre association. Nous espérons vous voir en ligne lors de nos prochains événements et au congrès 2021 de la SCÉES en Alberta.
The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) will hold its annual conference at Western University 31 May – 2 June 2020 within the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Website for registration, accommodation, delegate services is congress2020.ca.
BEFORE 1 APRIL | AFTER 31 MARCH | ON SITE 29 MAY -> | ||||||||||
Full Member |
Full Non-Member |
RSU †Member | RSU †Non-member |
Full Member |
Full Non-Member |
RSU †Member | RSU †Non-member |
Full Member |
Full Non-Member |
RSU †Member | RSU †Non-member |
Congress | $185.00 | $185.00 | $75.00 | $75.00 | $220.00 | $220.00 | $95.00 | $95.00 | $250.00 | $250.00 | $125.00 | $125.00 |
CSSHE** | $174.00 | $284.00‡ | $82.00 | $132.00‡ | $218.00 | $328.00‡ | $82.00 | $132.00‡ | $218.00 | $328.00‡ | $82.00 | $132.00‡ |
Total | $359.00 | $469.00 | $157.00 | $207.00 | $438.00 | $548.00 | $177.00 | $227.00 | $468.00 | $578.00 | $207.00 | $257.00 |
2020 CSSHE Conference
Call for Paper/Poster/Ignite Proposal Submissions