2022 Edward F. Sheffield Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2022 CJHE Sheffield Award Winners: Victoria Ford, Alyssa Wooster, and Mary Bartram for their article Work Hard, Party Hard: Harm Reduction in a Postsecondary Setting.

The Edward F. Sheffield Award was named in honour of Ted Sheffield, the first Professor of Higher Education in Canada (University of Toronto), and founding President of CSSHE. The award recognizes the best research article published in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education each year.

The editorial team selects the winner using the following criteria: centrality and relevance of the issue addressed to CJHE mission; originality and creativity in the use of theory and application of theory; appropriateness of the research methodology; clarity of the argument; effectiveness of the presentation, organization, and style; strength of conclusions; and relevance and significance to Canadian higher education.

Read more about the award here.

CSSHE/SCÉES 2022 Call for Proposals Deadline Extended/Appel de Propositions Date Limite Prolongée

The new deadline to submit your proposal is January 16, 2022!
La nouvelle date limite de soumettre votre proposition est le 16 janvier 2022!

The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) invites you to participate in its virtual (online) annual conference from May 15-17, 2022, to be held as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (Congress).

CSSHE invites proposal submissions from researchers, practitioners, graduate students, and policymakers in higher education and related disciplines. CSSHE welcomes cross-sector and multi-actor engagement between and across scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, administrators, activists, and the media.

Proposals can be submitted on the CSSHE Conference OCS website. The deadline to submit has been extended to 11:59pm PST on January 16, 2022.

The 2022 Congress theme Transitions invites members of the social sciences and humanities community to (re)consider how we can build a more diverse, sustainable, democratic, and equitable society and world for the future. In line with CSSHE’s Strategic Plan, the theme encourages and strengthens our commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID), and on Black and Indigenous experience and scholarship in higher education in Canada.

The full call for proposals is attached below in French and English.

La Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieure (SCÉES) vous invite à participer à l’édition 2022 de son congrès annuel, qui aura lieu en ligne dans le cadre du Congrès des sciences humains de 2022 (“Congrès”).

La SCÉES invite les chercheurs, les praticiens, les étudiants diplômés et les décideurs dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur et dans des disciplines connexes à soumettre des propositions. La SCÉES souhaite aussi recevoir des propositions intersectorielles et pluridisciplinaires issues de la collaboration entre universitaires, praticiens, décideurs, administrateurs, activistes et représentants des médias.

Les propositions peuvent être soumises par le biais du site web OCS du congrès de la SCÉES. La date limite d’en soumettre est 23:59 NHP le 16 janvier 2022.

Le thème du Congrès de 2022, Transitions, invite les membres de la communauté des sciences humaines à (re)penser le monde dans lequel nous vivons afin que nous puissions construire un avenir plus diversifié, durable, démocratique et juste. Dans le droit fil du Plan stratégique de la SCÉES, le thème encourage et renforce notre engagement envers l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion et la décolonisation (ÉDID) et la promotion de l’expérience des Noirs et des Autochtones et des recherches connexes dans l’enseignement supérieur au Canada.

L’appel de propositions s’est joint ci-dessus en français et en anglais.

CSSHE/SCÉES 2022 Call for Proposals/Appel de Propositions

The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) invites you to participate in its virtual (online) annual conference from May 15-17, 2022, to be held as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (Congress).

CSSHE invites proposal submissions from researchers, practitioners, graduate students, and policymakers in higher education and related disciplines. CSSHE welcomes cross-sector and multi-actor engagement between and across scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, administrators, activists, and the media.

Proposals can be submitted on the CSSHE Conference OCS website. The deadline to submit has been extended to 11:59pm PST on January 16, 2022.

The 2022 Congress theme Transitions invites members of the social sciences and humanities community to (re)consider how we can build a more diverse, sustainable, democratic, and equitable society and world for the future. In line with CSSHE’s Strategic Plan, the theme encourages and strengthens our commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID), and on Black and Indigenous experience and scholarship in higher education in Canada.

The full call for proposals is attached below in French and English.

La Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieure (SCÉES) vous invite à participer à l’édition 2022 de son congrès annuel, qui aura lieu en ligne dans le cadre du Congrès des sciences humains de 2022 (“Congrès”).

La SCÉES invite les chercheurs, les praticiens, les étudiants diplômés et les décideurs dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur et dans des disciplines connexes à soumettre des propositions. La SCÉES souhaite aussi recevoir des propositions intersectorielles et pluridisciplinaires issues de la collaboration entre universitaires, praticiens, décideurs, administrateurs, activistes et représentants des médias.

Les propositions peuvent être soumises par le biais du site web OCS du congrès de la SCÉES. La date limite d’en soumettre est 23:59 NHP le 16 janvier 2022.

Le thème du Congrès de 2022, Transitions, invite les membres de la communauté des sciences humaines à (re)penser le monde dans lequel nous vivons afin que nous puissions construire un avenir plus diversifié, durable, démocratique et juste. Dans le droit fil du Plan stratégique de la SCÉES, le thème encourage et renforce notre engagement envers l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion et la décolonisation (ÉDID) et la promotion de l’expérience des Noirs et des Autochtones et des recherches connexes dans l’enseignement supérieur au Canada.

L’appel de propositions s’est joint ci-dessus en français et en anglais.

CSSHE 2021 Call for Individual Submissions

The Stage 2 call for individual submissions to the CSSHE Annual Conference 2021 is now open. Submissions can be made until January 31, 2021 HERE. The formats which are open for submissions in Stage 2 are: individual paper for panel, individual contribution to roundtable, poster, ignite session, story-telling, ask-me-anything, and networking conversations. We encourage you to consider sharing your knowledge and expertise through one of the new formats being offered. Details of all the formats can be found in the call for proposals.

View the call for proposals: updated English/French versions

For those submitting an individual paper to a panel or wishing to contribute to a roundtable:
Please see attached the list of 21 panels and roundtables that were proposed during Stage 1/brought forward from 2020 and which are open to individual submissions in Stage 2. This list includes the call for proposals for each panel and roundtable as well as contact details for the organizers in case you want to ask them any questions ahead of making your submission. If your paper does not match any of the panels, use the option ‘Paper Presentation to Open Panel’ or ‘Roundtable Contribution to Open Roundtable’ in the submission form.

We remind you that by submitting a proposal, you agree to and understand the following:

  • Proposals can only be submitted once. Do not submit the same proposal to more than one track.
  • If you need help choosing the most appropriate track, please email the conference committee at csshe2021@gmail.com.
  • The submission should not have been previously published, nor should it be under consideration by another conference.
  • Each person may appear on the conference program as a presenter, chair, or discussant a maximum of two times.
  • All those featured on the conference program 1) must register for the CSSHE conference, 2) must have current CSSHE membership, and 2) must register for Congress.

In our effort to be inclusive and equitable, and not put up financial barriers to participating in CSSHE 2021, the conference registration fees have been set as follows:
Regular rate: $50
Subsidized rate: Free

When registering, you will be able to choose either the regular or subsidized rate as is appropriate to your circumstances. No additional documentation will be required.

We look forward to receiving your submission by January 31 at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbQQgAMys3ITHheDAk2G9edBSJ11XqG263cx0o7nKomI4g5g/viewform