Types of Presentations and Proposal Submission
CSSHE 2024 conference presentation types include:

    An individual proposal refers to the submission of a single paper proposal of one or multiple authors, which will be grouped into sessions based on research topics and themes by the conference committee. A self-organized panel session provides an opportunity for coordinated interaction and exchange among presenters working on a common set of themes, questions, or problems related to either research or practice. The whole session proposal will be made by a session organizer and include three or four individual papers as a unit to take up the 75-minute session during the conference.

    1. Paper presentation
    A paper session is a collection of three or four paper presentations organized around a connected theme. Each presenter has up to 15 minutes and will usually use slides or other visuals to present a summary of their work. Paper sessions last for 75 minutes, with the remaining time used for Q&A, discussion, and feedback.

    The paper presentation format accepts both individual and panel session submissions.

    *Information needed for individual proposals

      References may be included and are not included in the word count.

      During submission, the submitter will indicate whether the session will be on-demand or live. The format of the session will depend on the delivery mode selected:

      • For on-demand individual presentation, the presentations will be recorded in advance (up to 15 minutes per presentation) and made available on the conference portal. There will be no timed slot provided in the program as delegates can watch the recordings at their convenience.
      • For live individual presentations, presentations (up to 15 minutes per presentation) will be given along with up to 3 other presentations in one session.

      *Information needed for panel session proposals

        References may be included and are not included in the word count.

        The person submitting the whole session proposal will become the session chair and will be responsible for finding a discussant if needed.

        During submission, the chair will indicate whether the session will be on-demand or live. The format of the session will depend on the delivery mode selected:

        • For on-demand panels, the presentations will be recorded in advance (up to 15 minutes per presentation) and made available on the conference portal. There will be no timed slot provided in the program as delegates can watch the recordings at their convenience.
        • For live sessions, presentations (up to 15 minutes per presentation) will be given during the 75-minute panel time.

        2. Roundtable presentation
        Roundtables offer an interactive space to exchange and share ideas and are typically used to discuss work in progress or topical issues. Roundtables last for 75 minutes in which up to four presenters discuss the selected issue and engage the audience in conversation. Roundtables do not feature formal presentations or slides (such formats are better suited to a formal paper).

        The roundtable presentation format accepts only individual submissions.

        Information needed for roundtable presentation proposals

          References may be included and are not included in the word count.

          3. Workshop
          Workshops provide an opportunity for attendees to engage with and learn through training or professional development on a topic relevant to higher education. Workshops last for 60 minutes and will be timetabled as part of the main conference program (i.e. there will be no pre-conference workshops).

          The workshop format accepts only individual submissions.

          Information needed for workshop proposals

            4. Poster presentation
            Posters are a visual summary of a current or completed research/policy/practice project. Posters will be exhibited in a designated area of the CSSHE conference space and will be available to view throughout the conference. Time will be allocated during the conference for delegates to meet with poster creators to discuss their work and ask questions. If the submitter selects on-demand presentation of their posters, the electronic version of the poster will be uploaded on the online platform provided by Congress with no timed slot provided in the program as delegates can watch the recordings at their convenience.

            The poster presentation format accepts only individual submissions.

            Information needed for poster proposals

              References may be included and are not included in the word count.

              5. Ignite presentation
              Ignite sessions are five-minute pre-recorded talks intended to stimulate the sharing of new and exciting ideas about higher education in a short time period. Each Ignite talk may feature up to 20 slides with a maximum of 15 seconds per slide. They will be available to watch throughout the conference.

              The ignite presentation format accepts only individual submissions.

              Information needed for ignite proposals

                6. Innovative
                Do you have an idea for a session format that would be organized differently from the session types identified above? Please pitch us your idea. We are open to ideas for new formats to use a whole session of 75 minutes either by an individual or by a group to run in the conference portal. Note, however, that CSSHE is unable to provide logistical and technical support outside of the conference portal/time period.

                The innovative format accepts only whole session submissions.

                Information needed for innovative session proposals

                  References may be included and are not included in the word count.

                  The person submitting the whole session proposal will become the session chair and will be responsible for finding a discussant if needed.

                  During submission, the session organizer will indicate whether the session will be on-demand or live. The format of the session will depend on the delivery mode selected:

                  • For on-demand panels, the presentations will be recorded in advance (up to 15 minutes per presentation) and made available on the conference portal. There will be no timed slot provided in the program as delegates can watch the recordings at their convenience.
                  • For live panels, presentations (up to 15 minutes per presentation) will be given during the 75-minute panel time.