University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning & Teaching Proposal Extension

Dear Colleagues,
Re:  University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching.
The call for proposals deadline for this conference has been extended to February 11, 2022.

Moving Forward in a Good Way: Nurturing the Spirit of Learning in Postsecondary Education  | May 1 – 3, 2022 

The 2022 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching invites all Indigenous and non-Indigenous community members from UCalgary and beyond to submit proposals, including Elders, Knowledge Keepers, community members, faculty, staff, students, and postdoctoral scholars, as we continue our path to truth and reconciliation in postsecondary education. 

Through the exploration of conference threads, Ways of BeingWays of ConnectingWays of Knowing, and Ways of Doing, the conference will provide you with a unique opportunity to connect, and to share and exchange knowledge. 

We look forward to welcoming our esteemed keynote speakers: 

  1. Dr. Marie Battiste, EdD, Special Advisor, Cape Breton University 
  2. Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann, PhD, President, First Nations University of Canada  

Click here to learn more  about the conference  

Submit your proposal before February 11, 2022. 

We look forward to connecting with you. 

Cheryl L Jeffs, EdD
Educational Development Consultant
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
University of Calgary
434 Collegiate Blvd
Calgary, AB  T2N 1N4, Canada
Founder and Editor of Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

CJHE Book Review Available: Global university rankings and the politics of knowledge

The following book is available for review:

Stack, M. (2021). Global university rankings and the politics of knowledge. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pages: 252 (paper).

If you would like to review this book DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. Instead, send an email directly to that includes your postal address.

The Style Guide for reviews is attached below.


Walter Archer, PhD
Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, and
Book Review Editor, Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Edmonton AB Canada
Phone: (780) 988-9633

Apogee Releases Second Annual 2022 State of Higher Education Strategic Technology Planning Report in USA

Apogee Releases Second Annual 2022 State of Higher Education Strategic Technology Planning Report

New Study Delivers Insights on How Higher Ed Approaches Strategic Technology Planning Amid Continued Pandemic Challenges

AUSTIN, Texas (Feb. 2, 2022) – Apogee, a leader in higher education managed technology services, has updated its ongoing study of higher education strategic plans with the completed analysis of 839 strategic plans of US colleges and universities. With the first study and report delivered in March 2021 and now with this update, Apogee has sought to provide higher ed leaders with a thorough understanding of the state of strategic planning and the role of technology on campuses of different sizes and in different locales. The findings are summarized and presented in the 2022 State of Higher Education Strategic Technology Planning Report, and a deeper dive into the data is available in the online interactive report.

About the Apogee 2022 State of Higher Education Strategic Technology Planning Report

Since 2020, Apogee has read and analyzed 839 higher ed strategic plans to understand the state of higher ed strategic technology planning. As of Oct. 1, 2021, only 500 institutions out of the 839 had an active strategic plan. This interactive report details the findings of these 500 active plans. The goal is to help institutions make data-driven planning decisions and tie their initiatives to technology strategies. Apogee believes that strategic planning is of paramount importance to ensure that higher education emerges from the pandemic stronger than before, with resilience to tackle the challenges that are certainly ahead.

The report focuses primarily on campuses with less than 5,000 students but includes a healthy representation of larger institutions to reference and compare strategic visions, for a 65/35 split. The company analyzed 16 campus initiatives across six main areas: technology, pedagogy, student life, student population, student outcomes, and funding, planning and governance.

“Though larger institutions have the innate advantages of more personnel and funding, we believe all institutions – especially smaller ones – need to double-down on strategic planning with a flexible goal-setting posture and aggressive technology planning that ties back to campus initiatives,” said Teresa de Onis, Apogee vice president of marketing and author of the report. “According to our research, smaller institutions are two times more likely to not have a strategic plan. Intentional strategic planning, with technology planning that keeps pace with and stays ahead of the altered environment, is fundamental.”

Insights from the Report

  • The presence of technology initiatives decreased. The first study revealed that 66 percent of institutions explicitly called out technology initiatives in their strategic plans. Given the adoption of remote and blended learning modalities, it would be expected for schools to enhance their plans’ technology initiatives in 2021; however, only 62 percent of active plans in this year’s study included technology initiatives.
  • Larger schools place more emphasis on technology initiatives in strategic plans. When strategic plans are broken down by school size, the disparity comes into even sharper focus: 70 percent of schools with enrollment over 5,000 document their plans for technology innovation and infrastructure, while only 54 percent of schools with enrollment under 5,000 document these plans.
  • The gap between pedagogy and technology widened over time. Pedagogy initiatives increased alongside technology initiatives from 84 percent prior to 2020 to 88 percent afterward. While the increased focus on pedagogy planning since 2020 aligns with the increase in remote learning adoption, the inverse technology investment relationship suggests schools may either be unprepared for a future of blended, multimodal learning or expect a return to normalcy soon.
  • Institutions are investing time and resources in preparing students for the future of work. Specific program areas that drive pedagogy initiatives, such as new program development and curriculum revision, increased by 18 percent and 15 percent, respectively. In addition, the study found a greater emphasis on career placement in plans created after 2020 – 52 percent of plans in the new study versus 42 percent in the year prior, suggesting that return on educational investment is top of mind.
  • Institutions may be neglecting residential living improvements. In plans created before 2020, 38 percent of institutions showed a focus on improving residential living, but this number dropped to 25.6 percent in plans created after 2020. This could pose an issue for schools in the future if improving residential life on campus is not a strategic planning priority.

“As the statewide leader advocating for private, non-profit colleges in North Carolina, NCICU was pleased to be the first Apogee partner to host a webinar to deliver these insights to our colleges and universities to guide them in their strategic planning,” said Hope Williams, president of the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities. “The Apogee State of Higher Education Strategic Technology Planning Report reveals that initiatives such as student outcomes, pedagogy, student life, and planning and governance all rely on an underpinning of technology. The data compiled by Apogee can enable institutions of higher education to benchmark against other peer institutions to inform their strategic planning process.”

About Apogee

Established in Austin, Texas, in 1999, Apogee is a leading provider of managed technology services that enable colleges and universities to innovate to enrich the campus experience and foster student vitality. Uniquely positioned to serve higher education, Apogee supports a community of more than one million students and administrators at over 400 colleges and universities nationwide. The company’s comprehensive managed services portfolio includes managed campus networks, residential networks (ResNet), campus engagement, and HDTV and streaming video. Visit Apogee at

Media Contact             
Laura M. Pennino
Pennino and Partners
281.286.9398 Office
713.419.1776 Mobile

CSSHE/SCÉES 2022 Call for Proposals Deadline Extended/Appel de Propositions Date Limite Prolongée

The new deadline to submit your proposal is January 16, 2022!
La nouvelle date limite de soumettre votre proposition est le 16 janvier 2022!

The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) invites you to participate in its virtual (online) annual conference from May 15-17, 2022, to be held as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (Congress).

CSSHE invites proposal submissions from researchers, practitioners, graduate students, and policymakers in higher education and related disciplines. CSSHE welcomes cross-sector and multi-actor engagement between and across scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, administrators, activists, and the media.

Proposals can be submitted on the CSSHE Conference OCS website. The deadline to submit has been extended to 11:59pm PST on January 16, 2022.

The 2022 Congress theme Transitions invites members of the social sciences and humanities community to (re)consider how we can build a more diverse, sustainable, democratic, and equitable society and world for the future. In line with CSSHE’s Strategic Plan, the theme encourages and strengthens our commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID), and on Black and Indigenous experience and scholarship in higher education in Canada.

The full call for proposals is attached below in French and English.

La Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieure (SCÉES) vous invite à participer à l’édition 2022 de son congrès annuel, qui aura lieu en ligne dans le cadre du Congrès des sciences humains de 2022 (“Congrès”).

La SCÉES invite les chercheurs, les praticiens, les étudiants diplômés et les décideurs dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur et dans des disciplines connexes à soumettre des propositions. La SCÉES souhaite aussi recevoir des propositions intersectorielles et pluridisciplinaires issues de la collaboration entre universitaires, praticiens, décideurs, administrateurs, activistes et représentants des médias.

Les propositions peuvent être soumises par le biais du site web OCS du congrès de la SCÉES. La date limite d’en soumettre est 23:59 NHP le 16 janvier 2022.

Le thème du Congrès de 2022, Transitions, invite les membres de la communauté des sciences humaines à (re)penser le monde dans lequel nous vivons afin que nous puissions construire un avenir plus diversifié, durable, démocratique et juste. Dans le droit fil du Plan stratégique de la SCÉES, le thème encourage et renforce notre engagement envers l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion et la décolonisation (ÉDID) et la promotion de l’expérience des Noirs et des Autochtones et des recherches connexes dans l’enseignement supérieur au Canada.

L’appel de propositions s’est joint ci-dessus en français et en anglais.

Call for Proposals: University of Calgary 2022 Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

Moving Forward in a Good Way: Nurturing the Spirit of Learning in Postsecondary Education  | May 1 – 3, 2022 
Call for Proposals.  In person and online (subject to change)

The 2022 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching invites Elders, Knowledge Keepers, community members, faculty, instructors, administrators, librarians, staff, students, and postdoctoral scholars to explore Indigenous Ways of Knowing in a good way as we continue our path to reconciliation. 

Through the exploration of conference threads, Ways of BeingWays of ConnectingWays of Knowing, and Ways of Doing, the conference will provide you with a unique opportunity to showcase your research, educational leadership and teaching and learning expertise. 

Submit your proposal before January 24, 2022. 

We are pleased to announce the keynote speakers for the conference. We look forward to welcoming: 

  • Dr. Marie Battiste, EdD, Professor, University of Saskatchewan 
  • Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann, PhD, President, First Nations University of Canada  

Click here to learn more  about the conference  

We look forward to connecting with you as we come together to explore Indigenous Ways of Knowing as it relates to teaching and learning in higher education. 

JOBS: Western, Assistant or Associate Professor, Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice Education

The Faculty of Education, Western University, invites applications for a full-time faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenure-track or tenured) in the area of equity, diversity, and social justice education. The effective date of the appointment will be July 1, 2022. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Full job posting can be found here.

The application deadline is January 31, 2022.

POSTDOC: Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institute for Scientific Research

Recruiting for a postdoctoral fellow for a 2-year contract at the National Institute for Scientific Research/Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) in Montréal. The postdoc is in the area of postsecondary education pathways and is ideal for somebody with a quantitative research background. All the position details are included in the job ad below. 

JOBS: Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, 3 full-time academic positions in the Leadership, Policy, and Governance Specialization

The Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, invites applications for an appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or the rank of Associate Professor (with tenure), with research, professional practice, and teaching experience in the area of Educational Leadership, Policy and Governance. The appointments will commence July 1, 2022, or at a mutually agreeable date.

Assistant or Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Social Change

Assistant or Associate Professor, Educational Policy and Analysis

Assistant or Associate Professor, Educational Leadership, Policy & Governance

Submit applications by January 10, 2022.

JOBS: OISE, University of Toronto, Associate Professor, Higher Education Leadership and Administration

The Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education (LHAE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position at the rank of Associate Professor in the area of Higher Education Leadership and Administration. The appointment will commence on July 1, 2022 or shortly thereafter.

Closing date extended to Tuesday, January 4, 2022.

Full posting here.

CSSHE/SCÉES 2022 Call for Proposals/Appel de Propositions

The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) invites you to participate in its virtual (online) annual conference from May 15-17, 2022, to be held as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2022 (Congress).

CSSHE invites proposal submissions from researchers, practitioners, graduate students, and policymakers in higher education and related disciplines. CSSHE welcomes cross-sector and multi-actor engagement between and across scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, administrators, activists, and the media.

Proposals can be submitted on the CSSHE Conference OCS website. The deadline to submit has been extended to 11:59pm PST on January 16, 2022.

The 2022 Congress theme Transitions invites members of the social sciences and humanities community to (re)consider how we can build a more diverse, sustainable, democratic, and equitable society and world for the future. In line with CSSHE’s Strategic Plan, the theme encourages and strengthens our commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID), and on Black and Indigenous experience and scholarship in higher education in Canada.

The full call for proposals is attached below in French and English.

La Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieure (SCÉES) vous invite à participer à l’édition 2022 de son congrès annuel, qui aura lieu en ligne dans le cadre du Congrès des sciences humains de 2022 (“Congrès”).

La SCÉES invite les chercheurs, les praticiens, les étudiants diplômés et les décideurs dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur et dans des disciplines connexes à soumettre des propositions. La SCÉES souhaite aussi recevoir des propositions intersectorielles et pluridisciplinaires issues de la collaboration entre universitaires, praticiens, décideurs, administrateurs, activistes et représentants des médias.

Les propositions peuvent être soumises par le biais du site web OCS du congrès de la SCÉES. La date limite d’en soumettre est 23:59 NHP le 16 janvier 2022.

Le thème du Congrès de 2022, Transitions, invite les membres de la communauté des sciences humaines à (re)penser le monde dans lequel nous vivons afin que nous puissions construire un avenir plus diversifié, durable, démocratique et juste. Dans le droit fil du Plan stratégique de la SCÉES, le thème encourage et renforce notre engagement envers l’équité, la diversité, l’inclusion et la décolonisation (ÉDID) et la promotion de l’expérience des Noirs et des Autochtones et des recherches connexes dans l’enseignement supérieur au Canada.

L’appel de propositions s’est joint ci-dessus en français et en anglais.