2022 CSSHE Research and Scholarship Award

Congratulations to Roopa Desai Trilokekar of York University, this year’s winner of the Research and Scholarship Award!

This award recognizes research and scholarship on higher education and/or topics directly relevant to Canadian higher education which can include the socio-political context, access, governance, teaching and learning, institutional studies, or education and employment.

This award is conferred on a mid-career professional who is nominated by their colleagues, and focuses on their most recent 5 years of publications. Click here to read more about the award.

You can read more about Dr Trilokekar on the YorkU website, and find her publications here.

2022 Award for Master’s Thesis or Project

Congratulations to Christina Arayata, the winner of the 2022 Award for her outstanding Master’s Thesis: Identity navigation and understanding in demographic surveys!

CSSHE sponsors an annual award for the outstanding Master’s thesis or project in Canadian universities in the area of higher education. Recipeints’ work focuses on topics in higher education relevant to Canada, including the societal context, access, organization and governance, teaching and learning, institutional studies, or education and employment. Read more about the award here.

2022 George L. Geis Dissertation Award

Congratulations to Candace Brunette-Debassige of Western University, the 2022 winner of the George L. Geis Dissertation Award for her thesis The Trickiness of Settler Colonialism: Indigenous Women Administrators’ Experiences of Policy in Canadian Universities.

This is an award for an outstanding dissertation or thesis in Canadian universities that examines higher education topics. Dissertations and theses should focus on topics in higher education, including the sociopolitical context, access, governance, teaching and learning, institutional studies, and education and employment.


2022 Edward F. Sheffield Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2022 CJHE Sheffield Award Winners: Victoria Ford, Alyssa Wooster, and Mary Bartram for their article Work Hard, Party Hard: Harm Reduction in a Postsecondary Setting.

The Edward F. Sheffield Award was named in honour of Ted Sheffield, the first Professor of Higher Education in Canada (University of Toronto), and founding President of CSSHE. The award recognizes the best research article published in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education each year.

The editorial team selects the winner using the following criteria: centrality and relevance of the issue addressed to CJHE mission; originality and creativity in the use of theory and application of theory; appropriateness of the research methodology; clarity of the argument; effectiveness of the presentation, organization, and style; strength of conclusions; and relevance and significance to Canadian higher education.

Read more about the award here.

2022 Canadian Foundation for Innovation panel at Congress | Panel de la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation au Congrès 2022

The Canada Foundation for Innovation(CFI) is hosting a panel at the 2022 Congress of the Federation for Humanities and Social Sciences on May 16, 2022, from 3-4:30 (EDT) entitled, Demanding social justice for a more empathetic world. The panel, geared for young adults, will aim to answer the question: “What does social justice mean for you today, and how can research help advance it to forge the future you want?”

Four Canadian experts will address this question by sharing their research in fields ranging from climate activism, social justice learning, queer and gender difference, and health and well-being.

For more information, click here.

La Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation (FCI) organise un panel dans le cadre du Congrès 2022 de la Fédération des sciences humaines, le 16 mai 2022, de 15 h à 16 h 30 (HAE), intitulé Â« Justice sociale : une revendication pour un monde plus empathique ».

Ce panel, destiné aux jeunes adultes, aura pour objectif de répondre à la question suivante : Que signifie la justice sociale pour vous aujourd’hui? Il s’agira également de déceler comment la recherche pourrait nous aider à progresser vers davantage de justice sociale pour forger l’avenir auquel nos jeunes contemporains aspirent.

Une animatrice et trois panélistes aborderont cette question en partageant le fruit de leurs travaux de recherche dans des domaines allant de l’activisme climatique à l’apprentissage de la justice sociale, en passant par la différence entre les genres, la santé et le bien-être.

Veuillez trouver tous les détails ici.

2022 Annual Conference Keynote: Confronting Privilege and Bridging the Gap: From Rhetoric and Mission Statements to Transformative Change and Social Justice in Higher Education

Monday, May 16, 12:45-2:00pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time

With support from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences International Keynote Speaker Support Fund

Speaker: Dr. D-L Stewart, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver

A leading researcher, practitioner, and activist-scholar dedicated to championing social justice and transforming the culture and climate of campuses and institutions of higher education, D-L Stewart has been an influential voice shaping the terms of debate throughout North America, including the Federation’s own Igniting Change report, which was so widely adopted last year as a call-to-action. Dr. Stewart’s keynote address will build on the sustained EDID conversations of both the Federation and the CSSHE and be of interest to those throughout the HSS and education communities. Drawing on Dr. Stewart’s established and ranging expertise, this presentation will critically examine institutional norms, and focus on moving beyond what ze refers to as “the language of appeasement” and rhetorical “Kool Aid” approaches to diversity and inclusion. The emphasis will instead be placed on disrupting the status quo and highlighting conscious pathways that lead to transformative action, equity and justice on our campuses.

2022 Annual Conference: CSSHE/CSSE/CSA Flagship event: Transforming our Educational Systems: Responding to the TRC and Federation’s “Igniting Change” EDID Recommendations in Education

Sunday, May 15, 2022
12:45-2:00pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time

Transforming our Educational Systems: Responding to the TRC and Federation’s “Igniting Change” EDID Recommendations in Education

With support from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Aid for Interdisciplinary Sessions Fund.
Collaborating Associations: CSSE, CSA.

The CSSHE and the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences are committed to Reconciliation and EDID and have established records of working collaboratively with members of the broader educational community to anchor these principles into the life and work of our associations, institutions, and professional practices. Each member of this panel is a top researcher, practitioner, and institutional leader who has helped deepen recognition of the importance of EDID and the need for social justice throughout our institutional structures and educational systems. They will be asked to discuss ways we might increase BIPOC and LGBTQI representation in education; explore ways we can address systemic privilege in our institutions; and consciously work to disrupt the status quo and clear pathways to transformative action, equity and justice on our campuses.


Dr. Malinda Smith
Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
University of Calgary

Dr. Sheila Coté-Meek
Vice-President, Equity, People and Culture
York University

Dr. Catherine Cook
Vice-President, Indigenous
University of Manitoba

Dr. D-L Stewart
Professor and Chair, Higher Education Department
Morgridge College of Education
University of Denver

CSSHE Call for nominations to board of directors | Mise en candidature au conseil d’administration de la SCÉES

In accordance with By-Law No.1 and as permitted under subsection 128(4) the Act, terms of office for Directors of the Corporation shall be as follows:

  • Two (2) directors elected for a term of four (4) years
  • Two (2) directors elected for a term of three (3) years
  • Six (6) to eight (8) directors elected for a term of two (2) years

Vacancies 2022 

The Nominations Committee of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) solicits nominations for Directors to fill positions on the Board of Directors that will become vacant after the Annual General Meeting, scheduled to be held virtually on Monday, 16 May 2022 from 2:30 -4:00 P.M. (Eastern):

Four(4) to six (6) Directors to be elected for a term of two (2) years


The Board of Directors meets monthly except for July and August. Most meetings are one and a half hour video/teleconferences, however, the Board also meets for several hours immediately before the spring conference at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Board members who cannot attend the face-to-face meeting in person are expected to do so by some form of electronic means.

In addition to preparing for and attending the meetings of the Board, directors of the society participate and serve on committees. Examples of committee work may include service on: ·

  • Program Committee (which acts to plan and coordinate the annual and other conferences and events for the society),
  • Awards Committees
  • Policies and Procedures Committee
  • Communications Committee
  • Other committees formed as required to fulfill the objects and mandate of the society.

Directors may also be required to serve as liaisons to the society’s affinity groups, as conference track chairs, chair sessions at conferences, participate in the blind peer review process, and other duties of the Board of Directors as required under By-law No1.

How to Nominate

Self-nominations will be accepted. All nominators and nominees for positions on the Board of Directors must be members in good standing of the CSSHE for calendar year 2022. Before making a nomination for a colleague please ensure that the person you wish to nominate will accept the nomination.

If there are more nominees than positions in any one category, an election will be held. Interested nominees should view the lengths and terms of vacancies and specify the term vacancy (length of term of office) to which they are applying. 

Nominees shall provide a brief biographical statement (not to exceed 250 words) highlighting their particular interests within the field of higher education, their experience as a scholar and/or practitioner of higher education, and skills that would make them a valuable addition to the Board of Directors of CSSHE. These statements will be circulated to the membership in advance of the election. Upon election, Directors are asked to undertake a personal skills assessment and highlight their knowledge of the society, governance, and higher education. 

Please submit your nomination or self-nomination by email to csshe-scees@csse.ca with subject line “Nomination for Board of Directors” no later than 5 May 2022.


Pour les besoins du présent document, il est entendu que le masculin comprend le féminin.

Conformément au règlement intérieur no 1 et sous réserve de ce qui est autorisé aux termes au paragraphe 128(4) de la Loi BNL, les mandats des administrateurs de la corporation sont :

  • deux (2) administrateurs élus pour un mandat de quatre (4) ans.
  • deux (2) administrateurs élus pour un mandat a trois (3) ans.
  • six (6) à huit (8) administrateurs élus pour un mandat de deux (2) ans.

Postes vacants 2022

Le comité des candidatures de la Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’enseignement supérieur (SCÉES) sollicite des candidatures pour combler les postes au sein du conseil d’administration qui deviendront vacants après l’assemblée générale annuelle qui se tiendra virtuellement le lundi 16 mai 2022 de 14:30 h à 16:00 h (heure de l’Est) :

quarte (4) à six (6) administrateurs élus pour un mandat de deux (2) ans.


Le conseil d’administration se réunit une fois par mois, sauf en juillet et en août. Il s’agit la plupart du temps d’une téléconférence ou vidéoconférence d’une heure. Le conseil se réunit aussi pendant plusieurs heures immédiatement avant le congrès du printemps de la SCÉES, qui a lieu dans le cadre du Congrès des sciences humaines. Les membres du conseil d’administration qui ne sont pas en mesure d’assister sur place à la réunion sont priés de s’y joindre par voie électronique.

En plus de se préparer en vue des réunions du conseil d’administration et de participer à ces réunions, les administrateurs de la société font partie de comités. Il peut s’agir, par exemple :

  • du comité du programme (qui assure la planification et la coordination du congrès annuel et des autres congrès et événements de la SCÉES);
  • des comités des prix;
  • du comité des politiques et procédures;
  • du comité des communications;
  • ou d’autres comités mis sur pied au besoin en vue d’accomplir le mandat de la SCÉES et d’atteindre ses objectifs.

Les administrateurs peuvent également se voir demander de servir d’agents de liaison auprès des groupes d’affinité de la SCÉES, de présidents de l’une ou l’autre des volets du congrès annuel, de présidents de séance lors de congrès ou d’arbitres dans le cadre d’évaluations à l’insu par les pairs; ils peuvent aussi avoir à s’acquitter d’autres tâches qui incombent au conseil d’administration conformément au règlement intérieur no 1 de la SCÉES. 

Comment proposer une candidature

Vous pouvez présenter votre propre candidature. Les personnes qui proposent un candidat pour un poste au sein du conseil d’administration tout comme les candidats eux-mêmes doivent être des membres en règle de la SCÉES pour l’année civile de 2022. Avant de proposer un collègue comme candidat, assurez-vous que la personne que vous désirez proposer acceptera la mise en candidature.

S’il y a plus de candidats que de postes dans une catégorie, une élection aura lieu. Les candidats intéressés doivent prendre connaissance de la durée des postes vacants et préciser la durée du mandat  pour laquelle ils postulent.

Les candidats doivent en outre faire parvenir un profil d’au maximum 250 mots faisant étant de leurs intérêts particuliers dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur, de leur expérience en tant que chercheur et /ou praticien dans ce même domaine ainsi que de leurs compétences qui seraient un atout pour le conseil d’administration de la SCÉES. Ces documents seront acheminés aux membres avant les élections. Les candidats doivent se soumettre à une évaluation de leurs compétences personnelles et faire la preuve de leurs connaissances, qu’il s’agisse de la SCÉES, de la gouvernance ou de l’enseignement supérieur.

Veuillez faire parvenir par courriel, d’ici le 5er mai 2022, le nom de la personne que vous proposez ou votre propre candidature à csshe-scees@csse.ca en prenant soin d’indiquer dans la ligne objet « Mise en candidature pour le conseil d’administration Â».

New Issue: Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

The PPLT Editorial team is pleased to announce that Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching (PPLT) has published its fifth volume:


Fourteen articles explore and discuss the theme Mentorship in Higher Education, including models, applications, and implications that cover the academic lifespan from students to professor emeritus.

Authors presented at the 2021 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching and developed their papers for this volume. 

Logo, company name

Description automatically generatedThank you for your interest in PPLT and we look forward to hosting the 2022 conference.

Cheryl Jeffs, Editor
Kristi-Mari Fedorko-Bartos, Managing Editor

The PPLT Editorial Team
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA

Contact:               tipplt@ucalgary.ca

CJHE Book Available for Review: Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian Academy: Teaching, Learning, and Researching While Black

The following book is available to review for the CJHE/RCES:

Ibrahim, A., Kitossa, T., Smith, M.S., & Wright, H.K. (Eds.) (2022). Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian Academy: Teaching, Learning, and Researching while Black. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pages: 488 (paper). Price: 39.95 CDN.

See TOC at https://utorontopress.com/9781487528706/nuances-of-blackness-in-the-canadian-academy/

If you would like to review this book, send an email directly to warcher@ualberta.ca including your complete mailing address. 

I’ve attached the Style Guide for book reviews.

Registration Open: CHERD Spring Webinars

CHERD 2022  Spring Webinars are back. Register now for two very relevant sessions.

Challenges for academic leadership in Canada: Lessons from the Netflix’s The Chair

Is it possible to develop a set of nationally applicable university governance best practices?

Information and registration is available at  https://umanitoba.ca/extended-education/programs-and-courses/centre-for-higher-education-research-and-development/cherd-webinars

There is no tuition fee but participants must register to attend.

CJHE Book Available for Review: Academic integrity in Canada: An enduring and essential challenge

The following book is available for review in the CJHE/RCES.

Eaton, S.E., & Christensen Hughes, J. (Eds.) (2022). Academic integrity in Canada: An enduring and essential challenge. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Pages: 599.  Price: 49.99 CDN (paper), 59.99 CDN (hardcover).

This is an edited volume with 31 chapters written by more than 40 contributors across Canada. You can see the TOC at 


Since this is an open access book, you can also download the entire book from that site.

If you would like to review this book, send an email directly to warcher@ualberta.ca.

If you would prefer a print copy rather than the electronic version, then include your mailing address in your email to me.

I’ve attached our Style Guide for book reviews.


Registration Open: 2022 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

You are invited to attend the 2022 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching,taking place May 1 – 3.
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada  

Join us in exploring Indigenous Ways of Knowing as we continue our path to truth and reconciliation. Moving Forward in a Good Way: Nurturing the Spirit of Learning in Postsecondary Education is an opportunity to advance educational research and pedagogies as a medium for healing.  

Hosted virtually, our comprehensive three-day schedule features 50+ interactive sessions, two keynotes, digital poster presentations and an in-person pre-conference session hosted in partnership with the University of Calgary Office of Indigenous Engagement. 

 Learn from leading Indigenous scholars and Elders: â€¯ 

Pre-Conference | May 1 , 2022 | In-person    

 Offered in partnership with the Office of Indigenous Engagement, the pre-conference will explore how we can model ethical spaces and parallel processes on our path to truth, reconciliation and healing.  

Elders Reg and Rose Crowshoe, prominent cultural and spiritual leaders, Piikuni First Nation in Alberta, and Dr. Michael Hart, PhD, vice-provost (Indigenous engagement), University of Calgary and citizen of Fisher River Cree Nation in Manitoba. 

Conference Day 1 Keynote | May 2 | Online   

 Indigenous and Trans-Systemic Approaches Toward Decolonizing the Academy  

Dr. Marie Battiste, EdD, Special Advisor, Cape Breton University and Professor Emerita, University of Saskatchewan  

 Conference Day 2 Keynote | May 3 | Online   

 okinohmakÄ“, kÄ“ntasowin: Teaching and Learning Through Indigenous Knowledge Systems  

Dr. Jacqueline Ottmann, PhD, President, First Nations University of Canada   â€¯ 

Early bird pricing is in effect until Friday, March 25, 2022. Click here to learn more and register

Warm regards on behalf of the Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching Planning Committee