Dear CSSHE members:

The Nominations Committee of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education solicits nominations for the following positions on CSSHE’s Board of Directors that will become vacant after the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 29 May 2016 at the University of Calgary:

Five to seven directors – 2 and 3 year terms

The Board of Directors meets monthly except for July and August. Most meetings are one hour teleconferences, however, the Board also meets for several hours immediately before the spring conference at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and at its fall conference. Board members who cannot attend these two face-to-face meetings in person are expected to do so by teleconference.

In addition to preparing for and attending the meetings of the Board, directors of the society participate and serve on committees. Examples of committee work may include: service on the Program Committee (which acts to plan and coordinate the annual and other conferences /events for the society), Award committees, Communications Committee, and or other committees formed as required to fulfill the objects and mandate of the society.

Directors may also serve as liaisons to the society’s affinity groups, as conference track chairs, chair sessions at conferences, participate in the blind peer review process, and other duties of the Board of Directors as required under By-law.

Self-nominations will be accepted. All nominators and nominees for positions on the Board of Directors must be members in good standing of the CSSHE for calendar year 2016. Before making a nomination please ensure that the person you wish to nominate will accept the nomination.

All nominees are asked to undertake a personal skills assessment and highlight their knowledge of the society, governance, and higher education. Nominees are expected submit a statement not to exceed 250 words of their particular interests within the field of higher education, their experience as a scholar and/or practitioner of higher education, and skills that would make them a valuable addition to the Board of Directors. These statements will be circulated to the membership in advance of the election.

Please submit your nomination or self-nomination by email to with subject line “Nomination for Board of Directors” no later than 15 April 2016.